
Today we had Ms.Bates come and tell us about the salmon we will be incubating for the next couple months. She told us about the different things that salmon need. They are: Air, cold water, shade, food, and the redd. The redd is the nest the female salmon makes to keep her babies in.
After telling us those things she dissected a male spawner Coho salmon. She showed us the heart, spleen, liver, intestines, milt sac, and a couple more I can’t remember.
In our school we have a tank that is surrounded by foam for shade. Every year we get salmon eggs and keep them and care for them in our school. When they have reached the stage of fry we release them into Rough Bay creek. Right now they are in the Aelevin. We will take care of them until they are ready to be released.

Chapter 10: Sar Din Dae

While Brigora was gone talking to the king, Pandra had snuck to the Grand Hall to get a better look at the Sar Din Dae. When she got there one of them came over and said to her, “Girl you have power! Would you like to come and train to be one of us?” A awed expression came over Pandra’s face and she nodded furiously. Then the Sar Din Dae grabbed her arm and hauled her inside the grand hall.

Meanwhile Brigora was walking through the palace halls with the royal crown on her head. He was eager to get rid of the crown she thought. By then she had reached her friends. They gawked at her when they saw the crown upon her head. But before they could utter a word Brigora said worriedly, “Where is Pandra?”
Ladaria replied equally puzzled, a worry crease already started on her forehead, “I don’t know, but she said she might be near the grand hall.”
“Oh no,” said a disapproving Brigora “How reckless could that girl be?” Ladaria said.
“Umm Brigora, Framata is older than you,” Brigora roared.
“I am your queen and I will get some respect for that, on top of being a ghotame!” Then she said more calmly, “Hey sorry guys, my temper got ahead of me. Just so much stuff has happened, being ghotame and now being queen as well.” She gestured to herself, “Look what I am turning into. Well lets go and find Panda.”

Chapter 9: Fseacia

After a long day of riding in Brigora’s coach that she had made out of ice they could finally see Fseacia. “It is freezing in here,”shivered Ladaria.
“Uh Duh it is made out of ice,” said Framata. They rode into the city and were greeted by cheers of “Snow ghotame, snow ghotame!” Brigora stepped out of the ice carriage and was followed by her friends. She asked a nearby villager
“Can you give me directions to the Fseacian palace?” The villager squeaked the directions then ran of to tell his friend that a ghotame had asked him for help. The girls climbed back into the coach to begin making their way to the palace,” Pandra said.
“Why are we going to the palace?” Brigora replied.
“I am sure that King Eldane would like to know if I am here, by then they had arrived at the palace gates,” Brigora said.
“I am going in by myself, and don’t you worry yourself, I am a ghotame and I can deal with him if I have to,” at the last part Brigora grimaced. She had always dreamed of having powers as a little girl, but never for killing or harming other people.
When she got into the throne room the Eldane said, “Ah yes I have been expecting a ghotame,” as if nothing was out of the usual. The king also said, “Fseacia has been ruled by a long line of kings. Do you not think it should be ruled by a queen? Fseacia is getting out of order and the peasants are not following my laws. I was wondering if you would like to be Queen of Fseacia?” he asked, taking the crown off of his head and offering it to her. The crown of Fseacia was silver leaves intrically molded and shaped.
Brigora asked,”But what will you do?”
“Ah I have always wanted to be an adventurer,”

Chapter 8: Ghotames

That night, when all the girls were asleep Brigora was awakened by a small tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw a very pretty girl. Her shiny black hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall. She said, “Brigora, have you heard of a Ghotame?” Brigora shook her head.
The woman said, “Ghotames are like Sar Din Dae except they do not make anything they want out of magic, Ghotames have talents. There is a sun, snow, cloud, and nature Ghotame, and you dear, are one of them. You Brigora Dewleaf, you are the Ghotame of snow, frost, wind, and ice. Ghotames are treated like goddesses.”

The black haired lady waved her hands around Brigora in a complex pattern and magical swirls of sparkles surrounded her. When Brigora stepped out of the light her hair was pure white, her eyes were perfectly blue, and she was wearing a blue dress that seemed to be made out of ice.

When Framata, Pandra, and Ladaria awoke Ladaria grumbled,”Do I have to wake up now, I am still sleepy,” But reluctantly, Ladaria got up anyway. Brigora flashed them a smile when she saw her friends awed faces.
They all said together, “You are a Ghotame Brigora.”
“You got that right” said Brigora.
“Prove it,” said Framata stubbornly. Brigora put out her hand and made a motion as if throwing a ball but, instead of a ball snow streamed from her palm.
“Wow!” said Pandra.

Chapter 7: Here We Come World!

After getting out of the merte dungeons Framata, Pandra, Master Sunwell, Brigora, and Ladaria Decided to make some distance between them and the Merte before they stopped to camp for the night. Master Sunwell said, “Children are going missing from here to Fseacia “.
“Well let’s go to Fseacia then,” said Brigora.
“Yes, let’s did you know they have magical Sar Din Dae in Fseacia,” said Pandra happily.
“Really!” Said Framata “I want to become a Sar Din Dae“. Tthen Ladaria broke in through the mess of voices.
“Hey If we are going to Fseacia lets at least do it after a good nights sleep.” In the middle of all this master Sunwell had packed up quickly (and quietly) and stormed away towards home with a grumpy frown on his face.