
Like a month ago in Campbell River I went skating at the skating rink near the swimming pool. First I held on to a cone then I skated by myself.

First Sierra (my sister) held on to mom and daddy’s hands then she skated hoding onto the back of a toy car.

The rink my family was in was slightly smaller than the other. Ours had blue spotlights dancing across most of the rink. There were benches and Christmas decorations all along the outside edge of the rink.

Me, Sierra and daddy wore hockey skates because daddy said they were easier to skate with. It was like a normal shoe with a blade on it.

Mommy wore figure skates. The figure skates had a high heel blade and daddy said that they had a hook at the toe of the skate.

When it was time to leave I did not want to go because I thought I was skating really fast and really well. I had fun.

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  1. Hey Brooklynn,

    Skating is SO much fun! I was a figure skater, and figure skater coach before I moved down island. I always had so much fun. Jumping, and spinning, and having the wind flow through your hair, I really miss it! I’m glad you like it! Maybe sometime you can wear figure skates, and you and I can go together! 🙂

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