Song Writing

Im a song ritre. If you waunt to get a song just leve a coment . Here is one of my songs:

I see all the nature,
I feel all the wind,
But thars nothing beter than ,
Camping when Im outside!
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Read 8 comments

  1. Hi Brookylnn, my name is Jennifer and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange’s EDM310 class. You are doing really well with your blog. It is very pretty! I like your song too. I have been camping but only about 4 times in my life. The last time I camped it began to rain very hard and my tent was moving around viciously. I was scared and my friends and I packed everything up very quickly and went home. I haven’t been back since. But the other times I went it was so nice and peaceful. I just prefer a nice warm bed under a roof. Haha. Your picture is good too. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Hi Brooklynn! My name is Khaela. I am also in Dr. Strange’s EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. Your blog is very pretty, and the picture you drew is pretty too. I’ve never been camping, but I would love to feel the wind like you said. Great work!

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